It might be strange to think of sleeping as a skill that does not come naturally. Although babies spend a lot of time sleeping, they need to learn when to sleep (day vs. night) and how to sleep. Until they do, they need assistance.

Sleep training is giving babies the tools and skills they need to help them sleep better on their own in a way that parents and the rest of the family are comfortable with. It is teaching them how to sleep without any help.

Most babies are not ready for “formal” sleep training until 4 to 5 months old. However, setting up healthy sleep habits can start from birth. Establishing bedtime routines, putting the baby down drowsy but awake, and other techniques can lay the foundation for sleep training.

Healthy sleep is so important for the baby and the parents too. Sleep deprivation in children has been linked to obesity, behavioral problems, learning issues and more later on in life. Sleep deprivation in adults can lead to similar issues and has even been shown to play a role in Postpartum Anxiety and even depression in parents. Teaching and establishing healthy sleep habits right from the start will make sleep training easier and, more importantly, help keep the parents and the baby well-rested.

Sleep is a complicated issue and there’s very rarely one single thing that can remedy the situation overnight. The solutions that work for one parent don’t always work for another. This is simply because they’re not dealing with the same baby. Star Home Nurses have the experience and training to recognize which problems result in specific symptoms, and can work with parents to develop a personalized plan for the baby that addresses those individual issues.